Using the Review Tab

This video explains how to use the Review Tab in Rico.
Written by Foss Shanahan
Updated 11 months ago

The Review Tab provides a quick preview of what the report you're producing in Rico looks like. Given most are used to working with reports, this provides a familiar context within which you can understand how various steps in Rico feed into the report you're ultimately working towards producing.

What's covered in the video?

The video is broken up into the following sections you can jump to:

  • 00:00 - Overview
  • 00:31 - Using the Review tab to orient yourself
  • 01:03 - How the Workflow and Review tab link to each other
  • 01:51 - Downloading Reports
  • 02:14 - Working with Multiple Reports
  • 02:55 - Navigating the Review Tab
  • 03:45 - Warnings in the Review Tab
  • 04:29 - Adjusting Zoom to see Review Tab and Workflow
  • 05:12 - Using the Review Tab while completing steps of the Workflow
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