Using the Import Function

This article explains how to use the import function to pull in assessments from previous projects and templates.
Written by Foss Shanahan
Updated 11 months ago

The video below explains how to use the Import Function, a customer favourite and one of the most powerful tools on Rico, enabling you to import relevant assessments from previous projects or templates into new jobs in a matter of clicks.

What's covered in the video?

The video is broken up into the following sections you can jump to:

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:07 - Accessing the Import Window
  • 00:35 - Import Window (Previous Projects) 
  • 01:17 - Import Window (Templated Responses)
  • 01:37 - Previewing Assessments and Importing
  • 02:31 - Selecting Relevant Sections
  • 03:29 - Automatic Saving to Database
  • 03:41 - Using import in details assessments (e.g. Rules Assessments)
  • 05:05 - Summary
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