Changes to your Rico Configuration (Workflow, Templated Responses and Reports)

This article explains what settings you can change in your Rico Configuration.
Written by Foss Shanahan
Updated 5 months ago

This post covers what changes can be made in Rico. This is designed to tell you what changes can be made so this can be effectively communicated for a Rico representative to action.

Changes are made in three main areas:

  • Workflows - This is the steps you work through completing in Rico (and their ordering and instructions).

  • Templated Responses - The pre-loaded templates that can be pulled into a given text field within a workflow in Rico.

  • Reports - The structure, contents and format of the word documents information completed in the workflow are compiled into.


Workflows provide a set process for users to follow to complete a given assessment or report.

What you can change

  • Steps - add a new step, remove an existing step, change the order of a step / steps, change the name of a step. 

  • Instruction - add or edit instructions on a given step.

  • Checklists

    • Questions - add, edit or remove a checklist question.

    • Notes - add, edit or remove a note shown below a checklist 

    • Considerations - add, edit or remove the considerations that pop up for a given checklist answer (i.e. yes or no).

What we need to know

  • What part of the workflow listed above you’d like changed.
  • The change you’d like us to make.

Templated Responses

Templated responses enable you to load in various pre-populated responses for a given text field in a workflow.

What you can change

  • Create new templated responses, edit existing templated responses or remove them.

  • The name of the templated response (i.e. what you select when looking for a template)

  • The contents of the templated response (i.e. what is pulled into your text field when the templated response is selected).

What we need to know

  • What step of the workflow you’d like to add a templated response to.
  • The title of the templated response you’d like to create or edit.
  • The contents of that templated response you’d like to add or edit.


Reports take the information created and edited in the workflows and compile these into a downloadable report.

What you can change

  • Create one or more report options per workflow.

  • The structure and contents of the report, i.e. ordering of sections, where / what information created in the workflow goes in the report.

  • Components like headers, footers, disclaimers, cover pages etc.

  • Text styles (font, size, colour, line spacing, indents and more)

  • Numbering styles (indent, style, number, letter, bullet and more)

  • Table styles (cell styles, heading styles, text styles and more)

What we need to know

  • For report layouts:

    • What report you’d like to edit or create (title can be found in the dropdown at the top of the review tab).

    • Section you’d like added or changed, or component you’d like added or changed.

  • For styles:

    • The text, numbering or table style you’d like changed.

    • The property (i.e. size, colour, line spacing etc.) you’d like changed and what to.

    • By default, style changes are applied across all reports in your organisation’s account. Alternatively, you can change the styles for a specific report or section of a report (i.e. a section as broken up by section breaks in Word). If you’d like us to change a specific report section’s style, then let us know that section too (we can work it out from there).

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