Inserting Project Properties, Plan References and Technical Assessments into Text Fields

This article explains how to use '/' and '@' commands to insert project properties and information from technical assessments into Rico text fields.
Written by Foss Shanahan
Updated 3 months ago

Typing '/' or '@' in a Rico text field enables you to insert project properties and other information from the technical assessments in your Rico workflow. This is one of the more powerful functions in Rico so be sure to check-out the opportunities to use this tool in the video below. 

What's covered in the video?

The video is broken up into the following sections you can jump to:

  • 00:00 - Intro to '/' Function + Inserting Figures
  • 01:15 - Inserting Plan References (Intro)
  • 01:55 - Inserting Smart Components (Intro)
  • 03:05 - Subject Site Smart Component (Intro)
  • 03:42 - Inserting Figure (Example)
  • 03:49 - Inserting Plan Reference (Example)
  • 06:49 - Inserting Smart Component (Example)
  • 08:34 - Permitted Activities (More Examples)
  • 09:23 - Standards Assessment (More Examples)
  • 09:41 - Subject Site (More Examples)
  • 09:54 - Summarising the '/' functionality
  • 10:19 - Intro to '@' Function + Inserting Project Properties
  • 10:58 - Inserting Project Properties (Examples)
  • 13:01 - Summarising the '@' Function

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